Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Day 2019

Its been a while since posting. Merry Christmas. 
     Still lifting regularly and with a purpose and goals. I just did back rack yesterday.  I ve been useing the 5x5s strong lift plan. This training plan delivers ! Im doing incline bench at 275lb for 5x5s,  and back rack 285lb 6x5s yesterday.  thats 30 reps at 285#. Yes, I had to emphasize that number. I am very proud of 30 reps at 285lbs.  Its still amusing to observe those observing me while I lift heavy weights.  😀. 

My plans or goals for over winter. I don't do New years resolutions.
 CUT BODY WEIGHT.  Yep, Im a power lifter and most are on the large size. ( belly included ) I want to drop at least 25 pounds by spring. Very do able. But will it affect my lifting strength ? I expect to some degree  , but not much.

BICYCLE TRAINING.  Yes it get cold around here but a 1 hours bike ride 3 or 4 times a week is possible thru much of the winter. This is not only good for leg strength and cardio but keeps the mood up as well. winter can get me in a foul assed mood, but a bike ride in cold air helps my outlook.  I plan on doing the airport loop around BWI , its a 12 mile loop with some moderate inclines or hills to give some challenge as opposed to the flat straight B&A bike trail.  

WEIGHT LIFTING   many goals but I ll just say this. I plan on keeping with the 5x5s  ( plus 3xs and 1s ) training for the foreseeable future. If I can add 5lbs a month to my workout weight on each of my main lifts I will be beyond happy.  who the hell wouldn't ? I find it amazing I was doing a self designed plan very similar before I ever learned of the renowned 5x5s  plan. I  was doing basically the plan but based it on the Prilepin's chart.  The results are shocking. I m lifting like I never dreamed I could.  25 reps on incline bench at 275#  ....... ?  After I do this workout I look at my log book and still can't believe Im doing it. 

TREADMILL, about 4 to 6 hours a week this winter, just to keep some cardio moving.  If bike riding that week treadmill time will be less. I  guess 8 hours a week combined is a good number. 

CURLS, yes. I need to focus on curls. I have big arms but will be better after a solid biceps training plan.  Noted. 
RUCK MARCHING - Hiking , throw the old backpack  on occasion.  I  have an abundance of places to do this. Noted. 

Tune up my B.O.B. and refresh on some prep /survival skills.  Not a winter project but definitely need to get squared away. Ive acquired some new to me bags and backpacks for this purpose.   This is a constant. Keep bags and plans current.