Wednesday, May 29, 2019

gym report

May 29, 2019.

      gym report. did my dumbell workout,  felt good. decided to hit  the smith machine for some explosive lifts. thats when you start the  lift with barbell from bottom, lift up and the back down for each rep. you're lifting the weight off your chest not starting at top of lift as normal benching goes. this builds strength for getting out of the "hole" on heavy benching.  its been several months since Ive been on smith machine and my shoulders stopped hurting, well one workout on smith and my shoulders are hurting again. this is why I stopped smith workouts.  oh well.  its time to get back on flat barbell bench press, dumbells are great, but cant really power lift with them. they are great for body building and coordination of muscles while useing all associated tendons and secondary muscle groups.  I need to keep my flat bench above the 300# mark. shouldn't be a problem,  I jist did 290# on incline. so I shall find out next week ×hen I hit flat bench after several months only on dumbells.

#lifter#pumpingiron#gym#meathead#focus#benchpress #smithmachine#muscle

Friday, May 17, 2019

my morning view, 270# on back rack for reps, along with 285# rep sets. I ve been focusing to
much on max weight lifts and overlooking the need to rep on 80% 90% of 1 rep max . the reps in this percentile is how one gets to push the max lifts. I  did 30 reps total at 270#. I was very pleased with this days work.  I  must get in my zone for this, I  try to be nonchalant when I lift heavy , I get many many looks when people watch me warm up with 5 plates, which is more than most can even dream of lifting.  I feel a bit awkward when people are watching me. I have routine I go thru for getting psyched up and I dont want to appear as a angry roid headed jerk.  So I just do my thing and try to act friendly to everyone.  
Lift heavy my friends. 
#powerlifter #meathead #focus #lifter #pumpingiron #gym #fitness